Straight Talk on Leadership with Dean Crisp
Welcome to Straight Talk on Leadership where host, Dean Crisp, has a direct talk with listeners about a variety of leadership topics. The goal is simple, to help leaders become the best version of themselves and learn how to practically and effectively put their leadership into action. Dean is a former chief of police, best-selling author, speaker, and leadership coach. He is also the creator of Leaders Helping Leaders Network; you can learn more at: www.lhln.org
Straight Talk on Leadership with Dean Crisp
Episode 136: The Significant You (Part 2)
This episode of Straight Talk on Leadership with Dean Crisp where Dean articulates his 10 tips for leaders to act significantly and, in the process, bulletproof their leadership in the process. Significant Leadership is the key to leading in today's workplace. It requires a Next Level of leadership that goes beyond the traditional model. It asks that Significant Leaders commit to their own personal growth as well as the growth of others who will someday be the leaders of the organization. Significant Leaders focus on both the hard skills (the what to do well) as well as the soft skills (how to do it well) that create organizations that not only function at a high level, but function in a healthy manner by creating the teams required to execute effectively. Significant Leaders have a Just Cause and articulate it well, they know their Why of Leadership, and their personal and organizational Purpose which they articulate well to all of their people. Becoming a Significant Leader is the Next Level of Leadership and one that all leaders should want to achieve. Learn how to become a Significant Leader at www.lhln.org
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